Tuesday 15 February 2011

Why am I musing, pondering and meditating?

This blog began with the idea that I would muse on the decisions I’ve made to create a life for myself in this latest – perhaps last chapter of my life; I’ve made these decisions as a mature adult that’s enjoyed a modestly colourful life.

The spark that ignited this self-examination was when I reached the tipping point at which I could no longer contaminate the potential of my ‘golden’ years by continuing to compromise as I struggle to live what life in Australia has become; or rather what life has been turned into.

The causes of my need to compromise are my personal conflicts with the twenty-first century: my PC21. I’ll get to these in another post.

In compromising my life I became angry; I am angry. Which is why I see myself as an aging warrior; I am shielding myself. And I am fighting back.

Why muse, ponder and meditate? Because I’d like to live my life in a way that fulfils my reasonable and very modest expectations and I’d like to manage the factors that can influence my life. The Swiss philosopher Henri Amiel wrote, 'To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great set of living'.

I’d like to get these decisions right. I’d like to explore and investigate. And I’d like to think there may be other aging warriors that could benefit from my experiences.

So what steps have I taken to combat my PC21?

I have:
- eliminated debt.
- planned for an off-shore later life.
- simplified my life.
- done, and do, everything possible to remain gainfully employed.
- invested in daily self-improvement.
- tended towards a life of moderation, but not mediocrity.

Every post I have made, and will make, here tells the story of my progress in this very personal endeavour.

Thanks for taking time to read my thoughts. And your thoughts would be very welcome.

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