Monday, 8 December 2014

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I sometimes feel a great sense of responsibility in writing these posts. I'd hate anyone to be misled by my musings - because that is what they are - musings. Sometimes an idea that I propose is demonstrably correct because ample evidence supports the idea. But sometimes I am pondering, musing, considering, exploring - sometimes I am trying to discover an idea, or an insight, or a point of view, or perhaps a direction - for myself and I am simply sharing the process.

I'm an avid reader and often I read a book, article, or post. because I sense I have something to learn. And I'm always keen to share my discoveries, and to discuss and debate them.

Recently I started to read an interesting book: Life Reimagined: Discovering your new life possibilities. The authors define Life Reimagined as: a map and a guidance system; a growing community; and an emerging social movement. My initial reaction is one of interest because my experience of aging, and of already re-imagining my life daily, needs or contains all of these three elements.

But I am also wary of passing time; tick, tick, tick. Time is the giver of life. And conversely time is the enemy.

There's a paragraph in the book that captures the nub of the challenge: Life Reimagined invites us to get in touch with the most authentic meanings in our lives - and to act on them to discover new possibilities and make new choices.

Authentic. To act. Discover. These words to me suggest immediacy. These words describe what we encounter at a given moment - any given moment - as we encounter it. The be authentic is to be as one is - now. To act is something that we do now. To discover is in this moment.

So - for myself - as part of re-imagining my life I try to make my life horizons all that I do, reasonably can do, and all I will encounter within 24 hours. I try to live the reality of the cliche: today is the first day of the rest of my life. And for some, irrespective of age, it is both the first - and the last day of life.

I'm happy to take a step-by-step process to re-imagine my life; and the book Life Reimagined is an interesting resource, tool and text to plot the process.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Each day let's have some ideas about how we'd like to spend our day. It's about having a plan - without having a plan. It's not just about imagining - it's about doing and being.


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