Sunday 23 November 2014

Irony #1. My writing has been hijacked.

I've mentioned the book The Age of Absurdity before; it's a marvelous text dedicated to highlighting and contemplating many of the insane perversions that have occurred to what I had long considered 'normal' life.

I know the world in which we live has to change. Indeed I welcome change. As long as the changes  makes sense for the majority, a generally long-suffering and silent community segment that is rarely considered when change is being promoted and mandated.

Much of this change is brought about by encroaching technology.

My own life has numerous, and a growing number, of examples of how nonsensical change now imposes on one's life.

For example, a few months back I decided, again, that I would place some of the pieces I have written over recent years with a service from which publishers can purchase them for use in magazines. Some handy spare income I had hoped.

I sent off a sample 500 words, edited from a much longer piece and received a very prompt response which declined my offering explaining it had been previously published.

I knew that couldn't be true so I responded and assured the organisation that I had written the words and I asserted that these words had never been published.

It has, they responded; apparently they use a service that trawls the internet and some functionary entered the text I offered into a search engine and discovered that it appeared on several blogs. And the assumption therefore is that I was plagiarizing someone else's work; a further assumption is that my assurances about authorship were lies, or at least to be doubted.

And they are correct of course, because the original text is included on this blog.

So it seems my writing has been hijacked. By me.

To me it's  another example the innocent being punished. The Age of Absurdity indeed.


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